Real Estate

Take Control of Risk and Uncertainty in Fluctuating Markets

Since the increase in popularity of the internet and online shopping, the usually secure investments found in the real estate market have fluctuated, yet nothing has affected markets as serious as the effects of a global pandemic. Housing markets are surging, while commercial real estate is plummeting in many markets as many employers’ work from home and are investing in home improvement projects. 2020 has seen the bankruptcy of established large chain retailers.

Determining accurate values of real property is critical for lenders in this touchy economic climate. High stake investments can bring fear and uncertainty to individuals and companies trying to make critical decisions without the proper analytical tools. Time spent trying to evaluate and analyze can quickly equal a lost opportunity, or worse a poor decision with an over or undervalued property possibly translating into lost revenue. Timing is everything, and the time is right for a new way to guarantee success in the real estate market.

PredictionProbe’s powerful programs let you take control of risk and uncertainty by giving you reliable analytics on which to make critical decisions. Our technology, unique processes, and expertise will provide you with the techniques and toolset to determine the effects and neutralize the impact of the uncertainty in your important real estate decisions. Below are just a few of the applications where our technology can make you a star:

Assessing Market Trends

  • Understand the Uncertainty and Variation in Trends
  • Evaluate Market Fluctuation by Geographic Region
  • Determine Factors Affecting Fluctuations
  • Accurately Forecast and Predict Fluctuations Before They Occur

Smart Selling and Investing

  • Predict the Best Timing and Pricing to Sell Your Property
  • Predict the Best Timing and Location to Invest Your Capital

Appraisals and Valuations

  • Accurately and Effectively Appraise or Assign Value to any Real Property

Insurance Replacement Costs

  • Effectively evaluate replacement costs of natural disasters (i.e., fire, earthquakes, floods, etc.)

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Connect with us for a demonstration on how Predictive Technology can take the stress and strain out of your most rigorous business dilemmas.